Lamps of our dreams
Heven x LP
The name Louis Poulsen is synonymous with iconic products that not only provide exceptional light
but have redefined high-quality design. That is why we are proud to announce the Louis Poulsen x
Home in Heven collaboration, which features one-of-a-kind artistic interpretations of the iconic Pale
Rose Collection, once again pushing boundaries.

follow here or on instergram for more infomation
Soon to be auctioned
Each piece is carefully crafted by the founders of Home in Heven, Breanna Box and Peter Dupont,
in collaboration with Elliot Walker of Blowfish Glass in Birmingham. The pieces feature coloured
glass inspired by Louis Poulsen’s Pale Rose Collection, as well as a handful of recognisable
design details, that Home in Heven is known for, such as horns, swirls and tentacles.